We highly encourage you to fill out your log daily, as it will help your coach personalize and improve your training.
Racing is hard, but finding a race shouldn't be. Kukimbe is the first comprehensive mobile app that puts races at your fingertips. Use geo-location to find races across the country, and quickly register for races and share with your friends. Don't be afraid to swipe right here. Download the app on Google Play or iTunes below.
We sponsored this episode of the Citius Mag Podcast, featuring Olympian Kate Grace. Tune in to hear a first-hand experience of what it's like to compete on the Track & Field World stage!
We sponsored this episode of the Citius Mag Podcast, featuring Olympian Kate Grace. Tune in to hear a first-hand experience of what it's like to compete on the Track & Field World stage!
We sponsored this episode of the Citius Mag Podcast, featuring Olympian Kate Grace. Tune in to hear a first-hand account of what it's like to compete on the Track & Field World stage!
We highlight only your most recent workouts on your homepage, but you can always view your complete training calendar by clicking the button below.
Building a solid foundation in running is much like building a fire. Learn the fundamental elements to build your running the right way from Coach Herbert Plummer in "Building Your Fire."
Did you know that beets can help you improve your running? Learn more about the research behind beets from our registered dietitian Oliver Lopez in, "Just Beet It! Why You Should Eat Beets for Increased Performance."
Running a 1:11.36 half marathon is an impressive feat. Now imagine doing doing it IN A SUIT! Canadian Running Magazine takes a look at Chris Estwanik's stylish NYC Half Marathon.
You may encounter road blocks in your training, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Follow our Instagram page for more motivation!
Should your coach assign you any of the exercises in this video, they will let you know the amount of repetitions, duration, and intensity of each exercise they select. We've listed each exercise below with time stamps for your convenience.
5. Arm Swings (1:34)
6. Karaoke (2:07)
7. Bounding (2:22)
1. High Knees (0:09)
2. Butt Kicks (0:25)
3. Skips (0:42)
4. Lunges (1:04)
Should your coach assign you any of the exercises in this video, they will let you know the amount of repetitions, duration, and intensity of each exercise they select. We've listed each exercise below with time stamps for your convenience.
5. Groin Stretch: 1:26
6. Hip Flexor Stretch: 1:42
7. Lying Down Hamstring Stretch: 1:59
8. Shoulder & Rib Stretch: 2:14
1. Calf Stretch (00:08)
2. Toe Touch (heel in/heel out): 0:25
3. Cross Legged Toe Touch: 0:46
4. Quad Stretch: 1:00
Should your coach assign you any of the exercises in this video, they will let you know the amount of repetitions, duration, and intensity of each exercise they select. We've listed each exercise below with time stamps for your convenience.
13. Cat Stretch (3:22)
14. Toe Taps (3:35)
15. Hip Rolls (3:58)
16. Hundreds (4:18)
17. Half Roll Backs (4:36)
18. Roll Up (4:51)
19. Sidekicks (5:16)
20. Top Leg Abduction (5:38)
21. Top Leg Circles (5:54)
22. Staggered Legs (6:11)
23. Both Legs Together (6:22)
1. Plank (00:08)
2. Side Plank (00:20)
3. Superhero (00:44)
4. Scissor Kick (00:59)
5. Push-Ups (1:11)
6. Crunches (1:24)
7. Running V-sit (1:48)
8. Front Crawl Swim (2:08)
9. V-sit Flutter Kick (2:23)
10. Supine Plank (2:39)
11. Pushup to Side Plank (2:53)
12. Scissor Kick (3:12)
5. Arm Swings (1:34)
6. Karaoke (2:07)
7. Bounding (2:22)
Should your coach assign you any of the exercises in this video, they will let you know the amount of repetitions, duration, and intensity of each exercise they select. We've listed each exercise below with time stamps for your convenience.
1. High Knees (0:09)
2. Butt Kicks (0:25)
3. Skips (0:42)
4. Lunges (1:04)
Should your coach assign you any of the exercises in this video, they will let you know the amount of repetitions, duration, and intensity of each exercise they select. We've listed each exercise below with time stamps for your convenience.
5. Groin Stretch: 1:26
6. Hip Flexor Stretch: 1:42
7. Lying Down Hamstring Stretch: 1:59
8. Shoulder & Rib Stretch: 2:14
1. Calf Stretch (00:08)
2. Toe Touch (heel in/heel out): 0:25
3. Cross Legged Toe Touch: 0:46
4. Quad Stretch: 1:00
9. V-sit Flutter Kick (2:23)
10. Supine Plank (2:39)
11. Pushup to Side Plank (2:53)
12. Scissor Kick (3:12)
13. Cat Stretch (3:22)
14. Toe Taps (3:35)
15. Hip Rolls (3:58)
16. Hundreds (4:18)
Should your coach assign you any of the exercises in this video, they will let you know the amount of repetitions, duration, and intensity of each exercise they select. We've listed each exercise below with time stamps for your convenience.
17. Half Roll Backs (4:36)
18. Roll Up (4:51)
19. Sidekicks (5:16)
20. Top Leg Abduction (5:38)
21. Top Leg Circles (5:54)
22. Staggered Legs (6:11)
23. Both Legs Together (6:22)
1. Plank (00:08)
2. Side Plank (00:20)
3. Superhero (00:44)
4. Scissor Kick (00:59)
5. Push-Ups (1:11)
6. Crunches (1:24)
7. Running V-sit (1:48)
8. Front Crawl Swim (2:08)