Two Sunday’s ago my partner Abby and I road-tripped down to Southern California for the Orange County Marathon, so I could run my first ever road marathon. Leading up to the race I felt a mixture of emotions. I felt excited to finally run a road marathon, but also a little worrisome because it was […]
Archive | Press Releases
The Principle of Accumulation in Running
Articles Blogs Educated Running Coaches Press Releases Recent PostsRunning is a sport of accumulation. The act, putting one foot in front of the other repeatedly, is an accumulation of steps that takes you from one place to another. After any given run, therefore, you’re a little different than when you started. Individual workouts, while perhaps memorable, are more significant within the context of […]
Purposeful Practice: How to Improve Your Running
Articles Blogger Reviews Blogs Educated Running Coaches Press Releases Recent Posts
Why is it that some people continue to improve through training, while others stay at the same level? The way in which you approach your training has a massive impact on your outcomes. By adopting an approach of Purposeful Practice, you can improve your running. We have all heard the saying “Practice makes perfect.” Unfortunately, it is […]
Seven Reasons to Hire a Running Coach
Articles Educated Running Coaches Press Releases Recent PostsRunners of all levels can benefit from hiring a running coach. Perhaps you have a new goal, feel that you can improve, need more information on your training, or are unsure of which training approach is best for you. Here are seven reasons to hire a running coach: 1. Starting out, increasing distance or changing […]
Running With It: How Educated Running Came to Be
Articles Blogs Educated Running Coaches Press Releases Recent PostsThree years ago I was riding on the F train to Prospect Park with my new friend Jose Miranda. We were on our way to run a 10 mile relay together. On the subway Jose explained that he was not done improving as a runner. He then proceeded to asked me if I wanted to […]
Educated Running Adds Jeff Latz
Educated Running Coaches Press Releases Recent PostsRecently Jeff Latz joined the Educated Running coaching staff. “Coach Latz’ ability to think critically and his interest in the science behind running will make him a great addition to the team,”said Educated Running Co Founder Patrick Hammond. Coach Latz takes a disciplined problem-solving approach to training clients. He is a USA Track and Field Level 1 certified […]
Educated Running Adds Stuart Munro and Rolanda Bell
Articles Educated Running Coaches Press Releases Recent PostsEducated Running added Rolanda Bell and Stuart Munro as coaches this week. “I’m happy that we continue to add talented people to our team,” said Educated Running Co Founder, Coach Miranda. Coach Munro is marathon and triathlon athlete and coach who recently moved to New York City from Australia. He is certified by the Athletics Australia as a […]
Educated Running Adds Stephanie Herrick and Joshua Maxwell
Articles Educated Running Coaches Press ReleasesEducated Running added Stephanie Herrick and Joshua Maxwell as coaches today. “I believe both Coach Herrick and Coach Maxwell will be dedicated to improving others and committed to helping athletes just as coaches in their own lives have helped them,” said Educated Running Co Founder, Coach Hammond, on the new staff additions. Coach Herrick was the Head Girls’ Counselor […]
Educated Running Adds Erik van Ingen and Herbert Plummer
Articles Educated Running Coaches Press ReleasesEducated Running added Erik van Ingen and Herbert Plummer as coaches today. “Both coaches bring valuable training philosophies and running experiences to the table,” said Educated Running Co Founder Coach Miranda. “Each of them will be a wonderful addition to our rapidly growing team”. Coach van Ingen has trained under some of the NCAA’s and world’s finest coaches. He is […]